Thursday, January 24, 2013

FINALLY, getting a 1950's china cabinet!

I am finally getting a hold of a 1950's china cabinet! I have been searching and searching for one...and yet I found one back in the fall at Savers. It was $40 and it was beautiful, very mid century! I loved it, but I passed on it because I was not sure if it would fit in my apartment. I loved it so much I was going to buy it anyway and display it in my grandmother's house downstairs from me in her front room. It was a great price and in good condition, and exactly what I wanted. Enough room to display my Pyrex =)
But then Hurricane Sandy came along and wasn't able to go to CT. I went back to the Savers where they had it a week after Hurricane Sandy hit and it was gone! I was sure it would be there but someone was lucky enough to grab this treasure! Then I found another great mid century china cabinet on craigslist and it was located in CT. I adored it and it was a great price but it was not going to fit in my dad's was big! So I checked U-haul and they were pricey....almost $200 for u-haul and then an additional $150 for the hutch, it wasn't in my budget..I had to let it go.
So my good friend of mine is cleaning out his storage unit and he has his mother's furniture in there. He promised me his mother's china cabinet from the 50's. I have never seen it before, but we went to his storage unit this Tuesday and I loved it! It has two glass doors for displaying (Pyrex!) =) and the bottom has a lot of storage space for tablecloth's, silverware, napkins etc. Which I  need! He is giving it to me for nothing! I was so thankful. I can't wait to get it in my home and admire it.

He also gave me a full garbage bag full of his mother's vintage clothing! What gorgeous clothes she had!!!! We are going to go back to the unit this Tuesday to see if there is any more. What a treat! =) I will be posting pictures of the clothing over the weekend, they are from the 50's and 60's GORGEOUS!

All and all my start to this week was great and hopefully my weekend will be filled with some nice treasures to bring home!


  1. Wow, amazing generosity! It was just meant to be that you'll have the cabinet from your friend. Can't wait to see it on a future post!

    1. Yes, I am also going to look at his mom's 1950's magazine rack and her 50's bookshelf. I am looking forward for you to see it!

  2. Did you know you have your word verification turned on? I know that stops a lot of bloggers from leaving comments because those numbers and letters are hard to read! I turned mine off, no problems. :)

    1. THANK YOU! I had no idea it was even on! I turned mine off too, so now its good =)

  3. How nice of your friend - he'll know that it'll be appreciated. Looking forward to the pics!

    1. Yes, he does know I will appreciate it dearly. He loved his mom very much and it means a lot to me that he is giving it to me. I can't wait for you guys to see it!

  4. Wow, how nice! I know your friend will get so much pleasure knowing his mom's china cabinet is being used and loved. So are there magazines and books there in the storage unit? Those would be awesome to go through.

    1. Yes, he is so thankful that the china cabinet is going to me. I will adore it! Not sure if there is magazines...I am going to go back this tuesday with him to really look through it, there is a lot of stuff! There is books...some old ones that I might have to take. He really wants me to take his moms bedroom furniture, it is a little damaged but it is from the 40's...i might have to re-think about taking it!


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